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  Facilitators’ dashboard

A dashboard is pre-populated with components that are specific to each personal login and can illustrate key metrics or facilitate action. My Dashboard shows up when you login.

The Facilitator’s dashboard contains four components:

  • Approve a Request from a New Assessor
  • Approve completed assessments
  • My Incomplete Assessments
  • Edit my Profile

Approve a Request from a New Assessor
When someone applies to become a new assessor, their name and profile information (organization, email, country, expertise- species and countries, and ASG membership status) will then be shown on the Assessor approval grid on the dashboard. The grid will list users that have asked for approval within the last 6 months. The list will consist of both unapproved and approved users with those who are yet to be approved at the top of the list, sorted by date of request. All Facilitators can view the list and should only approve those people whose expertise they are sure of, usually those with expertise within the same country/region. For those on the list with Not Approved within the Status column, the Facilitator can select “Approve” or “Deny”. If the Facilitator selects “Approve”, the status for the person will change to Approved and they will be enabled to submit assessments. If for any reason, the status of an approved Assessor changes (e.g., if another Facilitator has additional knowledge of their expertise), a Facilitator can select “Unapprove” to remove the user’s ability to add or edit assessments.

(click image to enlarge)

Approve Completed Assessments
When Assessors have completed an assessment, they mark it as “complete”. The completed assessments then need to be reviewed and approved by a Facilitator and they show up on the “Approve completed assessments” grid. The Facilitators search for the completed assessments within their country/region, and then review the assessments. They either approve them by clicking on the “Approved” link to formalize the assessments or contact the Assessor for any issue that they have with the assessment. These approved assessments will then show up on the species assessment list and are viewable to any users of the website. Only completed and approved assessments are included in national and global conservation action reports.

(click image to enlarge)

My Incomplete Assessments
Facilitators may also perform assessments so they need to view a list of their own incomplete assessments. Any assessment that you have done that is not marked “complete” will automatically show up in this list. The assessment is incomplete if you saved it as a draft to finish on another day or while looking up some references in order to answer the questions. You can view the assessment by clicking on the scientific name, or you can edit your assessment by clicking the “Complete my assessment” link and continue to add information to the assessment. The assessment is complete when you have answered all the questions to the best of your knowledge, even if there are some questions that you are not able to answer. You then should check the box for “Mark my assessment as complete” and click the “Save Assessment” button.

(click image to enlarge)

Edit My Profile
Click on the green link to update your profile details such as contact information (email address, phone number, country of residence), your preferred default language and job information (job title, organization). You can also change your password and update your geographic areas of expertise, but please note that your username cannot be changed. After updating your details, click the “Save” button.

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