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  Viewing Assessments

Assessment results for individual species can be viewed by selecting the species through the View Assessments link at the top of each page, through the “Find a species assessment” on the Home Page or by selecting a species under “Recent Assessments” on the Home Page.
If you hold the Ctrl key and click the species name, the assessment will open in a new window, which you can close after you’ve reviewed it, and return to the list of assessments. Only completed and approved assessments will appear for general viewing. The Assessment Results include basic information for each species with recommended conservation actions, images and species accounts from the AmphibiaWeb database (where available), a map icon with a link to the IUCN Red List map, and answers to the questions, assessing the species for both in situ and ex situ conservation action.

Basic information includes:
  • Scientific name
  • Date of assessment
  • Assessor name
  • Assessment status
  • Country or region
  • Order and Family
  • IUCN Global Red List category
  • IUCN National Red List category
  • Distribution
  • Evolutionary Distinctiveness score as generated by the Zoological Society of London EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered) program
  • Conservation action recommendations

Clicking on the Red List map will take you to the distribution map included on the species’ IUCN Red List assessment page illustrating the species’ range. There are also links to the species’ Red List page and to images and species accounts on the AmphibiaWeb website.

Each question in the assessment is identified by a short name and is represented using the question text with the Assessor’s response and comments. Clicking on the question number will take you to the definition of this question on the Questions and Answers help page. When an assessment is marked as complete, and saved, the software will then generate the recommended conservation actions. A total score is calculated for each species assessment, based on the values of the answers provided by the Assessor. This score is then used to prioritize species within reports of recommended national and global conservation actions. The scores for each species are not displayed on the assessment results, as they are relevant only when compared with other species for prioritization purposes.

Sometimes, more than one assessor will generate an assessment for the same species in the same country or region. It is likely that due to the differing individual expertise and experiences of each assessor, some of the data will differ between assessments for the same species. Although each and every individual assessment can be viewed, a “consolidated” version of these assessments allows for the different areas of expertise from each of the assessors to be included within a single, more holistic assessment of the conservation needs for each species. Consolidated assessments can be found in the National Recommended Conservation Actions report and on the View Assessments page, for species which have more than one assessment in the same country.

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