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  What are National Red List assessments?

Regional or National Red List assessments focus on the status of biodiversity within specific areas. They refine the global Red List assessments into vital conservation tools for regional and national policy, and conservation planning. National Red Lists may reflect national action plans or directives. The IUCN Red List includes the global status of species; only global-level assessments are included in the list. Regional or national-level assessments are only included in the IUCN Red List if they are for species that are endemic to those regions or countries.

Over 100 countries and regions have so far developed National and Regional Red Lists. Regional and national lists are usually country-led initiatives, and are not centralized in any way; they differ from each other widely in terms of scope and quality but are very useful to guide conservation work at sub-global levels.

The IUCN Red List successfully highlights global biodiversity loss, however it may not always identify declines at sub-global levels. Regional Red Lists are therefore important to highlight the status of taxa within specific geographic areas.

Where they exist, national Red List assessments are used in preference to global assessments in the Conservation Needs Assessments.

European Red List of Amphibians

The threatened amphibian taxa identified by the assessment and their presence on either Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive or Appendices II or III of the Bern Convention. All amphibians not listed on Appendix II of the Bern Convention are automatically listed on Appendix III. An asterisk (*) indicates that the species is a priority species for the Habitats Directive.

More information about National Red Lists can be found on the National Red List web site.

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